مدل کیهانشناختی
In the words of the cosmologist Andrei Linde, "The nonstationary char- acter of the Big Bang theory [based on the] Friedmann cosmological models seemed very unpleasant to many scientists in the 1950s."8 As late as 1959, a sur- vey of leading American astronomers and physicists found that two-thirds of them believed that the universe had no beginning.9 This was forty-three years after Einstein's equations were discovered, and thirty years after Hubble and Humason's results.
This is also the assumption made in the standard Big Bang cosmological model.
Before explaining the basic ideas of such speculative scenarios as the bouncing universe, baby universes, and eternal infla- tion, I have to explain some of the possibilities that exist within the conventional or standard cosmological model.
In particular, in the standard cosmological model does the universe have finite size or infinite size?
This would be the case, for example, in the stan- dard Big Bang cosmological model if the universe has an "open" geometry.
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